The Best Leg Press Alternatives

Many would assume that leg press machine provides the best results in strengthening the muscles in your lower limbs, and you won’t be far from the truth. While it’s an easy way to avoid injuries and combat age-related muscle loss, it also makes you pay expensive gym memberships to work on your legs.

So, whether you are exercising to run a marathon or you just want the appearance of strong legs, this machine is one of the ways of doing it. However, we have a couple of leg press alternatives, which can help you achieve the same results without going to the gym every morning.

But, first, let’s clarify some of the terms!

What can leg press machine do?

The exercises are done in a seated position, where your legs continuously press against weights, which you adjust based on your fitness level. This training focuses on your glutes, quads, hips, calves, and hamstrings.

leg press machine

The seated position keeps your body still, and at the same time, requires less balance to lift the weights. However, there are many alternatives to using this machine, and many of those are based on the following exercises.

Resistance band

Resistance bands work in the same way as the leg press machine. On the other hand, they are portable, easy to store, and can be used in a variety of different settings. To perform this type of exercise, you will require a band, a chair, or a mat, while the muscles you’ll be working are glutes, hamstrings, calves, and quads.

To get the best results, you should work against gravity.

Lie on a mat face up while lifting your feet up. Try to make a 90-degree angle, by lifting your feet off the mat, while pointing your toes toward the ceiling. The resistance band should be wrapped around your feet, but, at the same time, you should be holding the ends.

Resistance band

Make sure to keep your feet in a line, side by side. The next step is to press the feet against the resistance band until you strengthen your legs. Bend the knees to return to a 90-degree position. Repeat this exercise 12 times and then take a break.

If you want to increase the resistance, then you should use a thicker or a shorter band.


Since squats are one of the most popular exercises out there, they ideally mimic the movement of the leg press. Of course, you do squats while standing, so your back suffers less pressure. If you recently experienced some back injury, then squats will be an excellent way to exercise your leg muscles.


With this one, you don’t require some special equipment, just goodwill, and determination. To perform this exercise, your feet should be placed hip-width apart while you can extend arms to achieve the necessary balance. Start lowering your body to create a 90-degree angle, but make sure to keep your back straight.

To increase resistance, you can hold a dumbbell. Repeat squats 12 times and then take a break.


Similar to squats, lunges engage muscles in both legs, but without adding additional stress to your back. Every time you are stepping forward, you are working on your glutes and quads. To complete this exercise, stand with your feet hip-width apart.

Place one foot forward while bending other into a 90-degree angle. It would be best if you lowered your knee until it touches the floor. To return in the previous position, push into your front leg. Repeat this exercise 12 times and then switch the legs.

You can increase the resistance by adding dumbbells or holding one in your hands.

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